Today we look at the potential of making money as part of the JavaFit network marketing opportunity, and try and get the real facts to help you decide what it is and whether it is for you or whether this is just another fly by night where you invest time and money that in reality you will be unlikely to get back, never mind increase in value. First we note that they are a publicly traded company with the Stock Symbol: JCOF.PK 0.18. That establishes credibility right off the bat.
The Product
JavaFit is a coffee style drink that claims to have fat burning properties, which may or may not be true. There is some medical research to disprove the claims, and Java Fit has their own medical data to prove the contrary. However, is becoming part of the Java Fit network marketing company going to make you any money? The truth is it certainly can but there is a ton of competition in this market and it won’t be that easy.
The Money Making Bit
There is no evidence on their website to suggest that there is any form of illegal scheme going on with JavaFit, so it seems like a more genuine business opportunity. However, what you are going to have to do is sign up as either a wholesaler or a retailer, which means you need to purchase a quantity of coffee, and sell it.
So in order to even stand a chance at making money you are going to have to have a marketing outlet for your coffee, and unless you have a shop or coffee house, or resort to standard MLM Recruiting Strategies to provide you with enough of a marketing funnel you might have to struggle some to make any serious money.
Looking into most MLM Opportunities like this, the evidence suggests that in most cases the chance of making money is average. In fact statistically the chances are less that 5% (the standard across all Network Marketing Opportunities), so what is it that makes the minority successful in what they do, and can you increase the chances of you being amongst them?
They seem to have developed a fool proof marketing method, and know how to reach their target market that keeps buying product from them again and again, plus they are excellent at selling themselves so they can generate new customers where ever they go – a true sales machine at work.
To conclude, the JavaFit Network Marketing Opportunity is not a scam. It is a genuine business opportunity. If you are looking for a way to make some money and think you have an outlet to sell coffee that also boasts weight loss properties then by all means do your research and find a good upline member who will support you. However do not expect miracles on your investment and expect to put in hard work for a return.
JavaFit may be something that is best suited to a Joint Partnership working together where you have more than one product for sale. We also found that you get a lot more information once you have completed a form giving them all your name and address details, which leads one to wonder whether you will then be plagued by the company until you agree to sign on the dotted line. There is however a massive market for selling coffee. And this coffee is nutrient rich so if you can convey this USP to your customers you can build a steady client base with JavaFit.
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